Callophrys rubi

Hostplant: The larva can feed on many types of plants, most commonly on Vaccinium sp. but also on different plants of Fabaceae. I used V. myrtillus and Lotus corniculatus in my breeding.

Lifecycle and behavior: The female laid eggs on all parts of the hostplant, but seemed to prefer the flowers. The eggs took 4 days to hatch. The larval stage lasted 2,5 weeks and they molted 3 times. They fed on both leaves and developing berries of the V.myrtillus plants. They usually preferred the flowers on the L.corniculatus. In lack of food, the larva exhibited cannibalistic behavior where the larger more developed larva would prey on the younger less developed larva. The pupa hibernates. Adults hatch in spring, usually from late April and fly into June in one generation. In the north they have one generation usually flying in June.